Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Time to change how we vote

A modern democracy needs modern tools in order to thrive, Michael Boda writes.

- Dr. Michael Boda has been Saskatchew­an’s Chief Electoral Officer since 2012.

On Monday, Canadians across the country cast their ballots during a federal election in largely the same way they have since Confederat­ion. Three years ago, residents of Saskatchew­an voted during the 2016 provincial election in much the same manner they had since the province’s first election in 1905.

It’s time for a change.

Electors in Saskatchew­an deserve a voting experience that makes use of technologi­cal innovation­s leading to elections that are more efficient, more transparen­t, and more consistent with the way we operate in a modern world.

In late 2018, MLAS passed historic legislatio­n that lays the foundation for a new era in how we conduct provincial elections. Elections Saskatchew­an is hard at work to make sure the 2020 provincial election — to be held exactly one year from today — will introduce such changes in a responsibl­e and secure way.

For the past 113 years, Saskatchew­an has administer­ed elections using paper forms and clerical procedures that were designed in the 19th century — yes, the 19th century. For those of us old enough to have worked in offices prior to the computer age, our recent experience­s in voting have been something of a trip down memory lane.

We enter a polling location, provide identifica­tion, and a worker begins the process of looking up our name on a paper copy of the voters’ list. Our informatio­n is entered by hand into the poll book, our names are crossed off the list with a ruler and pencil, and we are provided a ballot. We then take our ballot behind the screen to mark it and the ballot is placed into a ballot box.

For voters, the experience can be particular­ly frustratin­g if the lines are long. They find it difficult to understand why paper and pencil are being used instead of the technology that is pervasive in their lives outside the polling location.

Election workers often find this old-fashioned process even more frustratin­g. In addition to a day involving pencils, rulers, and reams of paper, their experience becomes even more surreal when voting ends. The ballot box is opened, and each ballot is hand-counted — one by one.

When the counting is finished, workers engage in a reconcilia­tion process to ensure all ballots, used and unused, are accounted for before undertakin­g further paperwork. This can take hours and requires significan­t attention to detail, no small feat after more than 12 hours of work.

As the gap between our experience of worlds inside and outside our polls has increased due to a widespread adoption of technology, so too has it become increasing­ly difficult to recruit the more than 12,000 workers needed to administer an election in Saskatchew­an. Given these challenges, Elections Saskatchew­an is working to introduce a new voting services model.

This model aims to minimize paperwork as much as possible. Rather than shuffling through pages and pages of a printed voters’ list, an elector’s voter informatio­n card will be scanned to call up the voter’s relevant registrati­on informatio­n. On the other end of the process, a paper ballot that is cast will be counted using tabulators that minimize the counting process at the end of a long day when election workers are most tired.

The technology to achieve all of this is available now. All that remains is to adopt it in a prudent, methodical and responsibl­e fashion. With new legislatio­n in place, a plan is unfolding that will bring technology into polls across Saskatchew­an gradually over the next three elections.

For the coming provincial election in October 2020, electronic poll books and tabulators will be introduced at advance polls in Saskatoon and Regina. During the next general election, scheduled for 2024, electronic poll books and tabulators are to be introduced more broadly across the province and at election-day polls, after taking into account what is learned during the 2020 process. In 2028, even further innovation is planned with the introducti­on of a “vote anywhere” method that would allow electors to vote in any constituen­cy in the province without having to travel home to cast their ballot.

In pursuing an evolutiona­ry approach over three electoral cycles, Saskatchew­an will update its voting experience using technology to eliminate unnecessar­y paperwork while still retaining the safety and security of the paper ballot.

We live in a time in which our democratic traditions — in Saskatchew­an, across Canada and in democracie­s around the world — are under pressure. The threats to our democracy are not exclusivel­y external. They also come from within and are evidenced in low voter turnout, challenges in recruiting election workers, and in a cynicism that is all too common among voters today.

These modern challenges to democracy need to be addressed with modern tools. Along with the rest of my team at Elections Saskatchew­an, I am hard at work to make sure the experience of voting is part of the solution.

 ?? BRYAN SCHLOSSER ?? For 114 years, Saskatchew­an has administer­ed elections using paper forms and clerical procedures that were designed in the 19th century, notes the province’s chief electoral officer, Michael Boda.
BRYAN SCHLOSSER For 114 years, Saskatchew­an has administer­ed elections using paper forms and clerical procedures that were designed in the 19th century, notes the province’s chief electoral officer, Michael Boda.

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