Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Ridiculous elements to labour dispute at refinery

Elements of standoff almost near historic ridiculous­ness

- MURRAY MANDRYK Murray Mandryk is the political columnist for the Regina Leader-post.

The intersecti­on where politics and the law seem to most often cross paths in Saskatchew­an has been in labour disputes.

This is an important thing to remember as the leaders of Federated Co-op Ltd. (FCL) and Unifor are now at least meeting — albeit, to discuss issues but not to bargain — in the 54-day lockout dispute.

It’s reasonable FCL would demand barricades and other illegal activities cease in a dispute that’s already seen 14 charges for Criminal

Code violations and a $100,000 fine against the union for contempt of court for breaching the order limiting how long pickets could delay fuel trucks. Respecting the law is the minimum expectatio­n and that any side would lose sight of this would seem ridiculous.

Then again, elements of this dispute are reaching near historic ridiculous­ness. We’ve seen the union misidentif­y an individual as a scab and refuse to take ownership for its own potentiall­y libellous mistake. However, one also can’t imagine how ludicrous Unifor members must find the Co-op Refinery’s latest claim that union members don’t want to contribute to their pensions when FCL executive vice-president

Vic Huard stated in March 2017: “To be perfectly clear, every single employee who is currently in the defined benefits plan will remain in that plan from now until when they retire.”

What might be even more farcical is Regina Police Chief Evan Bray meeting with Unifor national president Jerry Dias after Dias’s arrest to discuss/mediate/negotiate anything. In what world does someone charged with a criminal offence meet with the chief of police afterward — especially when that person and his organizati­on seem to be alleging the police are guilty of misconduct?

The absurd reality is both the law and the enforcemen­t thereof are now seen as just tactical elements in Saskatchew­an labour disputes. Surely, both should mean much more than that.

But given the province’s 50-year history of tweaking labour law to suit the vested interests of those supporting the party that’s in power, it’s pretty much come to that.

To be clear, this still doesn’t mean anyone gets to break the law, and moronic notions on social media that what we are witnessing is something akin to Rosa Parks-like defiance of an unjust law is nonsensica­l.

That said, among the first acts of this Saskatchew­an Party government was to hamper unions’ ability to certify and then to restrict the right of individual­s to strike through its draconian essential services legislatio­n (a fight the government badly lost in the Supreme Court of Canada). This pretty much set the tone and we have had further labour-law changes restrictin­g picketing on sidewalks. It’s not right, but one can see why some union at some point was going to at least attempt to push the boundaries of the law.

However, these changes came along after years of businesses claiming that unions received unfairly favoured treatment under the NDP that imposed the Crown constructi­on tendering agreement (forcing both union and non-union contractor­s to pay union-level wages on government constructi­on projects) and its most-available-hours act (which dictated to employers that its hiring of part-time workers had to be based on seniority lists).

Admittedly, finding the sweet spot that both affords precisely the correct amount of support for unions and for employers is a struggle everywhere. (For example, it’s worth noting that only Quebec and B.C. have legislatio­n banning replacemen­t workers.)

But it’s here in Saskatchew­an where labour law seems most likely to swing with the government of the day. This is obviously a contributi­ng factor and both sides need to recognize why it needs to stop. If the NDP respects business, surely that means a right to conduct its affairs without government intrusion. And if Premier Scott Moe respects workers, surely that means unionized oil workers as much as those working in the oilpatch.

So maybe it’s time for some Saskatchew­an government some day to recognize that the law isn’t something to be played with to suit the day’s political objectives.

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