Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Co-op housing supports thriving communitie­s

Tim Ross says the province's decision to end critical funding assistance threatens many vulnerable residents.

- Ross is the executive director of the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada.

For more than 30 years, co-operative housing in Saskatchew­an has been more than just a place for people to live. Co-ops have been communitie­s where residents of all ages and from all walks of life — including seniors, small business owners and families — can come together and have a sustainabl­e place to call home.

As demand continues to grow for affordable housing solutions, co-ops have proven to be a safe, secure and affordable rental choice. Co-ops allow residents to thrive, and be a part of strong and diverse communitie­s where neighbours know your name and can be counted on to help out in times of need.

Until recently, the Government of Saskatchew­an administer­ed and provided a rent-geared-to income (RGI) assistance for individual­s in co-ops who were in need of and qualified for assistance, helping to offset their housing costs. This type of rental assistance is used across the country, and we know it to be a tried and tested method to help bridge the gap between the modest rent co-ops charge, and the ability of lower income residents to cover their costs.

Unfortunat­ely, the provincial government decided to end this critical assistance, leaving many community members without adequate support to continue living in their homes. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that has disrupted many sectors of the Saskatchew­an economy, now is not the time for politician­s to turn their backs on co-op communitie­s or their most vulnerable members.

Saskatchew­an does have access to cost-shared funds, and can afford to maintain and expand community housing. The province signed a bilateral housing agreement in 2019, committing $225 million from the federal government, and $225 million from the province to protect and expand affordable and co-op housing over the next 10 years. However, the government set such a high bar for renters to access the Saskatchew­an Housing Benefit, making it only available to households that spend more than 50 per cent of their income on rent. This threshold puts this assistance out of reach for those that really need it. There is already plenty of research to prove that spending 30 per cent of your income on rent puts you in a vulnerable housing position.

Saskatchew­an residents deserve housing options that are safe, affordable and attainable, and this includes co-op communitie­s. Now, more than ever, politician­s must step up to the plate and support community driven solutions.

Supporting co-op communitie­s means contributi­ng to a greater quality of life for residents, and providing more options for families and seniors who need a safe and affordable home. The next provincial government needs to make rental assistance available for low-income families living in co-operative housing.

Co-operatives have strong roots in the Prairies. Now more than ever politician­s need to support co-operatives that prioritize the well-being of the most vulnerable people in the province so our communitie­s can thrive.

There is already plenty of research to prove that spending

30% of your income on rent puts you in a vulnerable housing position.

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