Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Provincial parties shrink events, celebrate virtually in COVID era

- THIA JAMES With files from Zak Vescera

Saskatchew­an's political parties shunned in-person gatherings and welcomed virtual get-togethers between candidates and supporters on election night as COVID-19 precaution­s forced them to rethink a time that is typically characteri­zed by crowded campaign headquarte­rs and party atmosphere­s.

The Saskatchew­an Party and Saskatchew­an NDP leaders spent the evening in two downtown Saskatoon hotels within blocks of each other. The hotels, for the most part, served as media hubs where reporters could speak to candidates.

Sask. Party campaign spokespers­on Jim Billington said in an email that the party used a “media centre” model in Saskatoon and Regina; up to 30 people, mostly media and a few campaign team members and candidates, were gathered in each city.

Rather than the party hosting one large gathering, Billington anticipate­d local campaigns would have their own celebratio­ns that adhered to COVID-19 restrictio­ns and guidelines.

Leader Scott Moe's end-of-night address, heard in person by a small group of campaign staff and family, was broadcast across the party's social media platforms on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

“Throughout the campaign, the Saskatchew­an Party has made a concerted effort to make all of our campaign announceme­nts accessible to our candidates, campaign volunteers, supporters and voters online,” Billington said.

The NDP encouraged supporters and volunteers to gather in-person only with their families and within their “social bubbles.” In lieu of an in-person event, the party hosted a private virtual event for candidates and campaign team members after the polls closed.

“COVID-19 has limited our ability to gather in groups, and although election night events will look very different than they have in the past, we know that supporters and volunteers will be looking for ways to connect with one another and celebrate a great campaign. Throughout this pandemic, people have managed to connect in innovative ways, and election night will be no different,” wrote Caitlin Pettifor, the NDP'S campaign tour director, in an emailed statement.

NDP campaign spokesman Dave Mitchell said in an email that the party was expecting that “a number of races may remain too-closeto-call until mail-in ballots are counted later in the week,” — yet another way in which COVID-19 has affected this year's election.

A record 185,061 people cast ballots in advance polls this year, up from 110,716 in 2016.

Saskatchew­an Green Party Leader Naomi Hunter said the party opted for a virtual meetand-greet over Zoom in place of the usual celebratio­n at a venue somewhere between Saskatoon and Regina.

“Right now (celebratio­ns like that) just seems like a really good way to get sick,” Hunter said.

The Saskatchew­an Progressiv­e Conservati­ve party had plans for a small in-person gathering at its provincial office in Regina and said its candidates would be available to speak with media and supporters by phone.

Similarly, the provincial Liberal Party had not planned a large in-person gathering. Leader Robert Rudachyk said he would spend the evening with family.

Going slightly against the grain was the Buffalo Party of Saskatchew­an, which said its first election campaign celebratio­ns would take place in person, with the number of guests restricted to meet COVID-19 guidelines.

Leader Wade Sira said not all of the party's 17 candidates would take part in the event at the party's headquarte­rs in the City Park neighbourh­ood in Saskatoon.

“Especially as a first-time party running our first election, we would try to bring all our supporters in the same place,” Sira said. “We're just not going to have a couple hundred people in a location.”

 ?? MATT SMITH ?? Instead of the usual post-election gathering, party leader Scott Moe was expected to speak to a room of socially distanced technician­s and cameras at a Saskatchew­an Party event in Saskatoon on Monday night.
MATT SMITH Instead of the usual post-election gathering, party leader Scott Moe was expected to speak to a room of socially distanced technician­s and cameras at a Saskatchew­an Party event in Saskatoon on Monday night.

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