
The Hero Survey


Study up. You might learn something.

What do you think of the current state of menswear?

Menswear has reached a really exciting moment where parameters between stylistic movements in streetwear and luxury have been completely shattered. The modern man doesn't have to be defined by one concept. His look can be centred in multiplici­ty and moving between different worlds without diluting the authentici­ty of what he stands for.

What is one item every man should have in his wardrobe?

A navy overcoat.

What’s one trend you’re tired of?

Military. It’s been done over and over again and has nowhere left to go.

Where do you turn when you need to be inspired?


What designer do you most admire?

My dad, Joe Casely-hayford.

If you weren’t a designer, what would you be?

A backup dancer.

Who, living or dead, would you most like to dress?

Nick Cave. Quite simply, no one wears a suit better.

What do you do when you have a night off?

I don’t get nights off!

What’s the next big trend in menswear?

Pinstripes. Lightning Round! Pick one:

Single or double-breasted jacket?


Collared shirt or T-shirt?


Pleated pants or not?


Chinos or jeans?


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