


A. 30/20/10 cardio intervals

Warm up for five minutes. Do five minutes at your regular speed, then cycle through the following pattern for 10 minutes: 30 seconds at easy to regular speed, 20 seconds at a faster speed, and 10 seconds even faster. Cool down for five minutes.

B. Tabata intervals

One cycle of Tabata is comprised of eight sets alternatin­g 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest. Break for one minute after each cycle, then move on to your next exercise. A workout should include four to six exercises (pull-ups, burpees, and squats are a few ideas), plus a warm-up and cool-down.

C. Time-based strength sets

Instead of working towards a rep goal, fit as many reps as possible into a set time frame. After a warm-up, spend 45 seconds doing squat jumps. Take 15 seconds rest. Repeat that same 45-to-15-second ratio with four other exercises. After a one-minute break, repeat the cycle twice more.

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