Sherbrooke Record

I put earplugs in and even pulled my hoodie over my head, to no avail

- By Phillip Alder

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2016

Dear Annie: I have increasing­ly noticed how loud people can be in public places. On a recent short regional flight, I sat in front of two men who I quickly learned work for the same large company. They began chatting about their lives from the moment we left the gate and didn’t stop until we landed. One man spoke with an appropriat­e indoor voice, but the other was incredibly loud. I put earplugs in and even pulled my hoodie over my head, to no avail. I could neither read nor nap.

Here are some facts I learned: This man flunked out of college due to partying and drinking. He has massive credit card debt and is counting on an inheritanc­e from his mother when she dies. He’s taking his wife to the Caribbean in two weeks. He lives in a nice suburb. He hates his boss. He isn’t terribly fond of his wife, either, and he’d love to sleep with Scarlett Johansson.

I exited the plane exhausted and angry, but I didn’t confront him. If this type of incident happens again, what would you suggest I do? — Heard Too Much

Dear Heard: We, too, are often surprised to hear people giving out personal details and private informatio­n

Your Birthday FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2016

Listen to your intuition. You’ll instinctiv­ely know what others want and expect from you, making it easier to decide whether you want to comply. Your time will be valuable, and the more you invest in personal gains, the easier it will be to help others.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Express your feelings and make this a special day for you and a loved one. Doing something out of the ordinary or planning a brief trip is encouraged.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Listen attentivel­y, but don’t be too quick to adopt someone else’s beliefs. Structure your day to include the changes that will make your life better. Put your needs first.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Look for something that will improve your surroundin­gs, allowing you to pursue a dream or creative venture. Expanding your family or opening your doors to friends will improve your life.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Take a step in a direction that promotes a healthy and prosperous life. Engage in events and activities that will encourage positive change in your lifestyle and profession.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Keep an open mind and be willing to do things differentl­y if it means working alongside people you respect. Romance is highlighte­d. Plan a short trip or adventure for two.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Don’t let unfinished business linger on. The sooner at the top of their lungs. Sometimes this indicates a hearing problem. It is a dangerous practice, as this informatio­n can be used by those who are not well-intentione­d. Knowing where someone works and lives and that he will be gone for two weeks is inviting a break-in. And any stranger could be a close friend of his boss, which could cost him his job.

Nonetheles­s, his personal life is not your concern. As a fellow passenger, you are entitled to ask him politely to turn down the volume so you can get some rest, or ask the flight attendant to do it for you.

Dear Annie: Why are TV shows that depict medical scenes so graphic? I imagine it’s an attempt at realism, but it’s disgusting to see. Do they have so little respect for their audiences that this is the only way to increase ratings? Our society has become absolutely numb to the gore that we are subjected to each day, and most of it is totally unnecessar­y.

I’ve watched medical and police dramas for years, and they don’t need such graphic details to create a storyline and keep viewers interested. If I wanted to see re- you put your responsibi­lities behind you, the easier it will be to pursue more enjoyable activities.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — You’ll accomplish plenty if you work from home or engage in something interestin­g that sparks your imaginatio­n. Plan a funfilled evening and express your feelings and intentions.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Don’t give in to someone using persuasive tactics. You are best off sticking close to home and engaging in personal changes that will lead to better health and greater opportunit­ies.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Don’t worry about the actions of others. Follow the path that will bring you the results you are looking for. Make plans to do something with people who bring you joy.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Focus on what you need to accomplish. Taking care of work or responsibi­lities, setting up interviews or sending out your resume will bring greater benefits than locking horns with friends or family.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Move forward with motivation and determinat­ion. Refuse to let anyone slow you down with negativity or pressure. Be proud, finish what you start and celebrate with someone you love.

ARIES (March 21-April 19) — A subtle personal change will make a difference to your attitude and ability to get things done. A financial gift or gain is apparent if you are quick to react. alistic views of someone’s body parts being removed, I would have become a doctor. It’s worse if I am eating while watching TV. This kind of thing makes me want to throw up, so I have given up watching some otherwise good programs. And I’d be willing to bet that the majority of audience members feel the same way.

Please print this letter so that the creators know how some of us feel about their determinat­ion to make everything so graphic. We’re tuning out because we are tired of the blood and guts. — S.

Dear S.: The rise of cable TV spurred a great deal of competitio­n as to who can show more than the other guy. There are restrictio­ns on network television when it comes to sex and language, but not so much about graphic violence, so that’s where it gets amped up. We agree that showing so much is nauseating as well as desensitiz­ing.

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to anniesmail­, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. You can also find Annie on Facebook at

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2016 How can partner help you to win?

Jack Benny said, “Give me golf clubs, fresh air and a beautiful partner, and you can keep the clubs and the fresh air.”

Give me playing cards, a bridge table and an expert partner, and you can keep the golf course! A good bridge player will wonder how to make partner’s life easy by describing his hand accurately in the bidding, or signaling clearly on defense. At other times, though, he must ask himself what cards partner needs to hold in order to defeat the contract.

This deal is a good example. After a lengthy auction, South is in four hearts. West leads the diamond ace and cashes the diamond king, East playing up the line to show that he started with a tripleton (because with a doubleton, he would have played high-low). What should West do next?

In the auction, North might have made a negative double on the first round to show spades. However, with such a strong hand, it is preferable to bid his suits in length order: first clubs, then spades.

West should count up the high-card points. He has 12, and dummy has 16. That leaves only 12, yet South opened the bidding. East’s job is to avoid reneging.

To beat the contract, the defenders, with no more side-suit winners available, need two trump tricks. Which card must West hope that his partner holds?

West should lead a third diamond, take the first round of trumps, and play a fourth diamond, hoping his partner can ruff with the heart nine. This effects an uppercut, gaining a trick for West’s heart 10. Keep counting those points.

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