Sherbrooke Record

Udes campaign hits $96.8 million


from our employees, students, and so on. This time, we raised $24 million internally, four times more, it's been a tremendous success and that is important leverage because when we go to the donors with our projects, the first question we are asked is: does the university community believe in it? We are now able to tell them that it believes in it so much that it contribute­d 24 million.

Members of the academic community and donors met on Friday morning in the library of the Faculty of Law to learn the amount raised since the start of the 2012 Futures and Passions campaign The library, has been completely renovated at a cost of over $4 million thanks to the funds raised.

It should be noted that this major funding campaign is the sixth deployed by the Université de Sherbrooke. The campaign puts forward large-scale projects that have spin-offs in all spheres of society. It is scheduled until 2020.

Samoisette, who completes her mandate in June, will leave office with a sense of duty accomplish­ed. "I pass the baton on to the new rector (Pierre Cossette) who is very motivated to continue the work, so I am very happy,” she said.

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