Sherbrooke Record

What is a ruff?


The answer you get will depend on the person. Some will mention the item of clothing that was popular from the mid16th to mid-17th century. Others might comment on the wading bird. A bridge player will talk about winning a trick by using a trump; and he might add that if that ruff does not occur in the longertrum­p hand, it will generate an extra trump trick.

How is that relevant in today's deal? South is in six hearts, and West leads the spade queen to dummy's bare ace.

North's three-spade rebid was a splinter, showing four-card heart support, at least game-going values and a singleton (or void) in spades. Four clubs was a control-bid promising the club ace and expressing slam interest.

South had only eight top tricks: one spade, four hearts, two diamonds and one club. Ruffing spades on the board was dangerous because it risked establishi­ng a trump trick for a defender. Instead, declarer realized that it was better to ruff diamonds in his hand.

South cashed dummy's diamond ace, ruffed a diamond, played a trump to dummy, ruffed another diamond with the heart ace, drew West's trumps, ran the rest of the diamonds and conceded a club at the end. He took one spade, four hearts, four diamonds, one club and the two ruffs.

Note that with this layout, drawing a round of trumps at trick two would have been fatal.

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