Sherbrooke Record

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday!


Brome County Historical Society

017 is a year for milestone birthdays, and the Brome County Museum (130 Lakeside, Knowlton) is in a party mood!

Mark your calendars for the fifth of August, a day of dual celebratio­ns on the museum grounds. Everyone is invited to bring a picnic lunch, spread a blanket or share a table, and enjoy family style fun on the museum grounds in honour of two important birthdays, the 50th of the Sir John Johnson, Centennial Branch of the United Empire Loyalist Associatio­n of Canada and the 120th of the Brome County Historical Society.

There will be games for the young and young at heart, cake and ice cream, a performanc­e of Laura Teasdale’s play “Homechild,” and more. While not obligatory, the wearing of a “tricorn,” or three-cornered hat on that day is highly recommende­d…

The “big birthday” celebratio­n of the year, Canada’s 150th, gets underway at the museum at 11 a.m. Saturday with the opening performanc­e of “United We

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