Sherbrooke Record

Six more hybrids join Sherbrooke bus fleet


The Sherbrooke Transport Corporatio­n (STS) is launching six new hybrid buses being introduced gradually over the summer.

Since the beginning of June, three of the new Series E buses have been brought online and the remaining three will join them in the next few weeks.

At the cutting edge of hybrid technology, E-series vehicles can, among other things, operate in 100 per cent electric mode over short distances without resorting electronic devices while on board. to diesel and are equipped with With the addition of these six new a complete engine stop mechanism green and sustainabl­e vehicles, the STS when the vehicle stops to board passengers. hopes not only to continue improving These optimizing features lead to a customer experience on its buses and to reduction in fuel consumptio­n and fuel encourage Sherbrooke­rs to rethink their emission rates of up to 30 per cent and mobility habits in order to reduce the contribute to the reduction of noise pollution. impact of their travel on the environmen­t. STS President Bruno Vachon

In addition, through its hybrid-electric stressed that: "the STS' ambitious goal is initiative, the STS is continuing to to ensure that intelligen­t mobility is a improve its environmen­tal performanc­e part of everyday life for the citizens of while providing superior service to transit Sherbrooke, and it is by investing in Innovation customers. Regular users of the net- and in higher-technology work will also benefit because each new goods and services that this can be made vehicle has four USB charging ports that possible." will allow customers to connect their

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