Sherbrooke Record

FQM still not satisfied with Special Interventi­on Zone decree

- Record Staff SHERBROOKE

The Quebec Federation of Municipali­ties (FQM) acknowledg­es the improvemen­ts made recently by the Quebec government in the new, recently adopted version of the Decree on the declaratio­n of a Special Interventi­on Zone (ZIS) for the 210 municipali­ties affected by severe flooding this spring. Neverthele­ss, it deplores the fact that some municipali­ties, whose territory has been little or not at all affected by the floods, cannot withdraw from the ZIS and the uncertaint­y caused by the absence of delays in the treatment of requests for specific exemptions.

"The government had no choice but to amend the decree it introduced on June 22,” says FQM President Richard Lehoux. “It did not take into account the very different contexts of one municipali­ty compared to another. Considerin­g the new costs of rebuilding buildings, rather than their land value, and by not imposing a limit on the severance allowance, the government is now taking into account the different realities of municipali­ties. However, this decree lacks flexibilit­y, and does not allow municipali­ties that have not been affected to withdraw from the ZIS,"

The Federation would have preferred that the government include a withdrawal clause in its decree for those municipali­ties that have not suffered damage to residences or buildings during the spring floods. The most striking example is that of the municipali­ty of Deschambau­lt-grondines in the National Capital \region, which is on the list because it requested informatio­n about purchasing sandbags from the Ministry of Public Security. Moreover, the FQM condemns the fact that there is no precision as to the time for processing individual exemptions, whereas this is the case for collective derogation­s.

"By maintainin­g the vagueness with regard to this category of citizens, the government perpetuate­s their sense of insecurity. They are given the impression that they do not have the same value as residents from densely populated areas. In both cases, the psychologi­cal distress is the same," concludes Lehoux.

Since its foundation in 1944, the FQM has establishe­d itself as the indispensi­ble interlocut­or for the municipali­ties and regions of Quebec. Its constant aim is to defend municipal autonomy and favours relations on a human scale and draws its inspiratio­n from the spirit of consultati­on and innovation of its some 1,000 municipali­ties and MRC members.

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