Sherbrooke Record

Thayer Family Reunion


Once again on August 6, 2017, the Thayer clan gathered for their reunion at Fairmount Park in Iron Hill, Q.C. After everyone arrived, the tables were set with pot luck dishes of favorite recipes. A little after midday, Dot Morey from Troy, Vermont, opened the day and the meal with a "family traditiona­l" prayer. Everyone seemed to enjoy their meal but this year Mother Nature gave us sunshine, but cool winds, thankfully no rain. Not the nicest weather by far... As we all caught up in our visits, door prizes were drawn, and because of the special "120th" reunion event, our President Ernest Thayer, brought several canvas shopping bags, bright red in color with our logo printed on them, also to commemorat­e the occasion, a ticket was drawn to win a bucket filled with an assortment of gifts. The lucky winner of this was Bianca Lynn Damato, and as well she gets to keep for the year the "Thayer Stanley Cup" which was returned by Clarence Rollesten this year. Also, happy to mention our eldest family member present is Dot Morey and our youngest present is baby Everley Anne Page born June 11, 2017 to Samantha Wallis and Cole Page. ANNOUNCEME­NTS: Graduation­s, Abbigail Whitcher, daughter of Laura and Gary Whitcher, Kira Nichols, daughter of Brian and Kim Nichols. Engagement­s, Dennis, son of Laura and Gary Whitcher. Marriages, Wendy Whitcher our Vice President, daughter of late Alice and Allen Whitcher. Births, Nova Rayne Lepine February 17, 2017, daughter of Troy Tetreault, Everley Anne Page June 11, 2017 daughter of Samantha Wallis and Cole Page, Rosalynne Wallis September 14, 2017, daughter of Nathan Wallis and Brooke Foster. Deaths, Alice Thayer Whitcher wife of late Allen Whitcher, Gilda Clark wife of Rupert Clark, Marie Thayer wife of late Howard Thayer. Our President thanked us for coming and Ginger Wallis, our Website Manager, spoke of her appreciati­on. All 55 in attendance spent a day "worthwhile" together, children occupying their time with lots of surprise toys, treats, and the playground, some out on the water in a pedalcap, others trying to find a spot of sun without wind. Ended our day with goodbyes and hope to see you next year, first Sunday in August 2018. Also hope to see those who did not join us this year. Submitted by Lorraine Thayer Jasper.

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