Sherbrooke Record

Fordyce Branch Women’s Institute


President Norma Sherrer welcomed the members when they met on November 1, for our regular monthly meeting. She was especially pleased to see Mary Jones, Elaine Bromby and Leona Enright there.

There was a moment of silence held to honour our veterans followed by this Poem

The Ode of Remembranc­e – “They went with songs to the battle, they were young. Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted. They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.”

The Mary Stewart Collect was repeated. Salute to the Flag and “O Canada” sung. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Mary Jones (15th) our only “Birthday Girl” for the month, who is celebratio­n a very special birthday.

Motto for the month: “The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in the direction we are moving.”

Roll Call: “Bring something for the Women’s Shelter or cookies for the Youth Home.”

Elizabeth Milroy, Secretary, read the Minutes of the October meeting, which were accepted as read.

Business from said minutes The craft sale was a great success. Remembranc­e Day Service will be held at the Cairn on November 11 beginning at 10:30 a.m. Fordyce Branch will provide desserts for the lunch following. Names were taken of those attending the Christmas Dinner.

Correspond­ence was a letter of thanks to those, who helped to make the craft sale such a success.

Treasurer June Lamey had no joke but read an interestin­g article re nature and how hard it is to predict what will take place. The financial report was accepted as read.

New Business - The branch will change the time of meetings for January, February and March to 10:30 a.m. as members would prefer to drive home while it is still light The branch will be holding a drawing of a beautiful hand made quilt, made by Mary Jones in the spring. Tickets were handed out.

President Norma had the pleasure of giving an Abbie Pritchard throw to Leona Enright. An Auction was held with Louise Smith as the auctioneer. It was a lively affair as members tried to out bid each other.

Last month Pat Laflamme, who is taking a writing course at Community School in Heroes; Elementary School read a poem, which she had written, but she couldn’t give it to me to put in the paper. This month she brought two of her poems, which are being printed: The Autumn Leaves – “The autumn leaves are falling down, All orange, red and rusty brown. They swirl and twirl and dance around, But when they land they make no sound. They whisper stories of summer past, Their life on earth went by fast. Rebirth will happen in early spring, With the beautiful rainbow and birds that sing.” And: The Canada Geese “The Canada geese are flying high, They form a V up in the sky. Their journeys hard, their journeys long. As they fly, they honk a song Where they go. I do not know, Just far away from the ice and snow. They will be back when robins sing to smell the flowers in early spring.” Pat writes under her maiden name Patricia Eva Dezan. Congratula­tions.

There being no further business, the meeting closed with the Grace. During refreshmen­t time, President Norma presented Mary Jones with a birthday cake and flowers celebratin­g her 90th birthday. Mary also received a stack of cards from the members and wished many more years of good health and happiness.

The time came to say our “Goodbyes” and head home looking forward to our Christmas meeting at the Legion.

Until next time,

Evelyn Beban Lewis (Publicity)

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