Sherbrooke Record

It is best to be lucky and good

- By Phillip Alder

P.G. Wodehouse, in “Uneasy Money,” wrote, “At the age of 11 or thereabout­s women acquire a poise and an ability to handle difficult situations which a man, if he is lucky, manages to achieve somewhere in the later seventies.”

You have no doubt heard that it is better to be lucky than good; however, it is obviously best to be lucky and good.

This deal was played at Bridge Base Online. North-south got a very lucky result.

The bidding was exciting for a sequence that ended in one spade. First, though, what should West have led against that contract?

North made a very aggressive takeout double. Then, when it went redouble pass - pass, South was internally screaming, “Pass! Pass! Pass!” That contract would probably have gone down two, plus 1,000 to North-south.

North, not being telepathic, ran to one diamond. East doubled that with four trumps. Then West doubled South’s one spade despite only three trumps. South wanted to run to two clubs, but, nervous of a misunderst­anding, he passed.

West should have led the spade four. Then the defenders could have forced three rounds of trumps before making declarer ruff a heart to cut him off from the club suit. South would have gone down two. Instead, West led the club 10, and East put up his king! South won and guessed well to play two rounds of trumps to lose only two spades, one heart and one diamond. Plus 560 was a great result.

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