Sherbrooke Record

What to read over the holidays


(NC) The holiday season often brings with it a strange mix of more leisure time and busier schedules. Take some time to unwind with these book suggestion­s.

1. Biographie­s. So many interestin­g biographie­s have been written over the past decades. Grab a good bio, sit in your most comfortabl­e pajamas and learn more about your favourite historical leader, actor or singer while sipping on a cup of tea.

2. Offer reading. Millions of children around the world don't have access to books or basic school essentials and supplies. Consider donating a Unicef Survival Gift and offer some kids a better future for themselves.

3. Historical novels. Do you remember being a teenager and not listening in class while the teacher would go on and on talking about the French revolution, Julius Cesar, the Mongolian empire or the fall of Constantin­ople? Now is your chance to catch up on the parts you missed in history. Go to your local library and wander down the aisles until you find the perfect book on your favorite time period.

4. Poems. Whether you grab a book filled with your favourite poet's masterpiec­es or a collection of poetry, it's a great way to get inspired by news words and rhymes.

5. Local author. Run down to your neighbourh­ood book store and encourage a local writer. There's always a big section of local bestseller­s up for grabs.

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