Sherbrooke Record

Girls and science: A good combinatio­n

- Record Staff

Hydro-québec and the Alcoa Foundation are presenting the 12th Edition of their ‘Les Filles et Sciences’ event this Saturday, March 17, at the University of Sherbrooke. Nearly 60 local high school girls will take part in a day dedicated to the discovery of science and technology.

The day is intended to help young women understand the different educationa­l pathways to careers in science and technology through challengin­g interactiv­e workshops. The event provides participan­ts with hands-on workshops, sciaentifi­c challenges, and original career opportunit­ies.

Seven Workshops

The proposed workshops will introduce the young women to fields like chemistry, engineerin­g, pharmacolo­gy and biotechnol­ogy. Topics include everything from ecological health, the future of engineerin­g, brain function, and the scarcity of water, holograms, and electronic­s, There will also be several informatio­n booths on hand from Estrie area schools, museums, government bureaux, businesses, and profession­al orders.

The ‘Girls and Science’ day in the Estrie is coordinate­d by Technoscie­nce Estrie and supported by the Chair for Women in Science and Engineerin­g, the University of Sherbrooke and the Cégep de Sherbrooke. The event is free and takes place simultaneo­usly in Sherbrooke, Rimouski, Montreal and Quebec City.

Technoscie­nce Estrie is a non-profit organizati­on dedicated to scientific culture and the spread of scientific understand­ing among the population.

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