Sherbrooke Record

Cribbage Banquet 2017/2018


The annual cribbage banquet was held April 8 at the Army, Navy, Air Force #318.

Colleen Matthews welcomed the members and guests in attendance.

We were very happy to see our friends Beulah Turnbull, Margaret Vintner, Debbie Daigneault and Fred Williams back with us.


First place team - team 1 Captain Warren Winget, Andrew Letemplier, Bob Wilson, Fern Lapointe, Gerard Dubreuil, Gilles Masse, Hartley Doyle, Keith Vintner, Margaret Vintner and Suzanne Mailoux.

Second place team - team 2 Captain, Fred Williams, Serge Provost, Allan Bradley, Cheryl Bradley, Clemence Masse, Danielle Cote, Fred Cross, Gabrielle Duncan. Judy Williams, Lillian Corrigan and Lise Provost.

Third place team - team 4 Captain Al Doherty, Beulah Turnbull, Colleen Matthews, Dale Kinder, Gisele Lebel, Lorinda Hadley, Marie Letemplier, Patsy Bachand, Susan Flanders and Trudy Doherty.

Fourth place team - team 3 Captain Mike Williams, Adele Wilson, Camille Bonsant, Connie Vernham, Dannie Mciver, Debbie Daigneault, Doreen Cairns, John Hewitt, Maggie Winget and Colombe Lessard.

Ladies high score - Marie Letemplier Men’s high score -Gilles Masse 726 hands - Gilles Masse (twice), Keith Vintner, Serge Provost, Allan Bradley, Clemence Masse, Danielle Cote, Judy Williams, Camille Bonsant, Fred Williams, Maggie Winget, Al Doherty and Colleen Matthews

725 hands - Bob Wilson, Danielle Cote, Lillian Corrigan, Adele Wilson. Debbie Daigneault, Beulah Turnbull and Gisele Lebel.

724 hands - Clemence Masse, Judy Williams and Gisele Lebel.

Lowest score for the year Corrigan

Lowest score for the night -Trudy Doherty

Lowest score for a game - Gisele Lebel and Lillian Corrigan

Fewest skunks: Keith Vintner Most skunks - Lillian Corrigan 28 hand - Gilles Masse and Gabrielle Duncan

Colleen thanked George and helpers for the wonderful meal prepared.

The half and half was won by Debbie Daigneault and Gabrielle Duncan

Several door prizes were awarded too numerous to list. Thanks to those who donated prizes Lorraine, (Gilles, Debbie and Gerard).

George and helpers were thanked for the wonderful meal.

Colleen was presented a card and gift for taking care of cribbage this year.

Colleen thanked everyone and said a special thank you to Cheryl Bradley for taking over last fall when circumstan­ces prevented her from being available. She also thanked to everyone who helped set up for the balance of the year.

Submitted by Colleen Matthews - Lillian

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