Sherbrooke Record

Light up the park with memories in the dark

- The Scoop Mable Hastings

Sadly, we all know someone we have lost to cancer and likely we all know someone who is fighting the disease right now. The fear, pain and anguish faced in the often unpredicta­ble path of this illness can be devastatin­g to the person going through it as well as the family and friends surroundin­g them.

On Saturday, May 19 at 8:00pm, the Missisquoi North Volunteer Centre (CABMN) Students Against Destructiv­e Decisions (SADD) group will sponsor a special evening in Potton along with the help of Barbara Oliver and CABMN staff and volunteers. The event will benefit the Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life with all proceeds and donations going to the cause.

The CABMN approached Barbara Oliver knowing that she had participat­ed in the Relay for Life activity in the past in Magog. With her expertise, resources and guidance, the CABMN youth, staff and volunteers are organizing this event in hopes of giving Potton and the surroundin­g community the opportunit­y to come together in the center of town to remember, support, encourage and celebrate the lives lost, those fighting, those who have conquered and those who may one day face this disease.

In collaborat­ion with the Relay for Life and the Canadian Cancer Society, luminary bags will be sold for $5.00 each through the CABMN and volunteers. The bags display the names and a message as requested by those who purchase a luminary as a memory, in honour or encouragin­g someone.

As soon as it is dark, the bags will be lit and the community can come and walk through the park as music plays rememberin­g, reflecting, encouragin­g and honouring those whose names appear on the luminaries. Light refreshmen­ts will be served thanks to donations of cookies and juice from community volunteers.

In June, spokespers­on for the event, Barbara Oliver will go to the Relay for Life in Magog and present the money raised from Potton toward the fundraisin­g efforts. Anyone wishing to can also make donations apart from the luminary bags…this can be done the evening of or by contacting the CABMN at 450292-3114. Leave a message at reception and a staff member helping to organize the event will happily contact you.

A duplicate luminary of all sold in Potton will be placed in a special area at the Magog Relay for life in June. This is possible because the SADD group has furnished the luminary bags and flameless candles for this event and the Cancer Society will furnish another for the Relay for Life event as part of each $5.00 donation. Since this is the first time an event like this is being held in Potton, luminary bags are available for purchase while supplies last. The hope is that there will be some available at the event as well.

The main purpose of this initiative for the organizers and the SADD youth sponsors is to give people the opportunit­y to come together and remember or honour the special people we will never forget and those being encouraged with love and support. Please join the community as it lights up the park with memories in the dark, together.

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