Sherbrooke Record

Fordyce Branch Women’s Institute


Fordyce Branch Women’s Institute went back to its old meeting time of 1:00 p.m. when we met on April 3, 2018.

President Norma Sherrer welcomed everyone, then read the poem April Rain. The falling rain of April wakes every bush and tree / and coaxes green buds forth to bloom in ecstasy. / It dances on the rooftops and up and down each pane / it marches on the pavement and patters down the lane. / It makes the sweetest music like a happy song of spring / ‘tis a merry little mischief refreshing everything. / Raincoats and umbrellas are used throughout its stay / and it leaves a brilliant rainbow as silver droplets steal away. / April rain is but a promise of spring’s beauty and delight / so enjoy its silver goodness before it fades from sight. (La Verne P Larson).

Following the Mary Stewart Collect, Salute to the Flag and ‘O Canada’, ‘Happy Birthday’ was sung to Evelyn Lewis (20th) and Elaine Bromby (23rd).

Motto for the Month “Earth and sky, woods and fields teach some of us more that we could every learn from books or the internet.”

Roll Call: “Name a very old farm machine or tool” This brought up some old memories of growing up on a farm.

The Minutes of the March meeting was read by Secretary June Lamey and approved.

The County Annual meeting, which was cancelled in March due to the weather, will take place on April 11, in Trinity Anglican Church Cowansvill­e. Members were reminded to be sure to get their handicraft­s into convention on time.

A lovely letter was received from The Living Room, one of the group homes in Cowansvill­e for the cookies, which they had received from the branch. Elizabeth Milroy, Treasurer, presented her financial report, which was approved. There were no bills.

New Business Members were reminded to get their orders for Vesey Seed in by next week

QWI Convention at Macdonald College is on May 26th. If members plan to go, they must get their registrati­on in as soon as possible. Edwina Bougie offered to be our delegate. The programs for the May/june meeting have been switched, there will be a guest speaker at the June meeting and spool knitting in May.

Paulette Mahannah, Agricultur­e Chairperso­n, presented informatio­n re what is happening in this area. 10,000 people attended the farm animal display in Longueil Shopping Center during the Easter Holiday, The biggest event of the year. The animals come from the Verger Champetre Farm in Granby. The SPCA is very concerned about the number of rabbits and chicks, which are rented out at Easter time because of the stress it causes the animals. Each year the SPCA receives about 250 rabbits after the holiday. A rabbit can live from 8-10 years and needs a lot of care and quiet time to stay healthy. Veterinari­ans are not against these mini farms as long as the animals receive water, food, a stress free environmen­t and that they feel safe. IGA will be buying their beef from Quebec farmers. Some think that it might be much more expensive while others say that we should support our local farmers. The Federal Government is concerned about the testing of products coming from another country. It was found that in 2015-2016 only 2% of the food imported was inspected. They want more inspectors hired. Camembert cheese named L’extra from Saint Hyacinthe by Agropur has been voted the best camembert in the world. Paulette brought some to share with the members.

There being no further business Coins of Friendship were collected, Grace was said allowing members to go to the table to enjoy tea and many, many goodies to enjoy.

No jokes were told at the meeting so I’ll finish with a story I like. A preacher accepted a church in a new town. Soon after he arrived, he had the occasion to ride the bus. After getting on and sitting down, he realized that the bus driver had given him a quarter too much in his change. He thought it over, saying to himself, “I’ll give it back, when I get off but it’s only a quarter so maybe I should keep it as the company will never miss it.” When he got off the bus, hesitated a moment then handed the bus driver the quarter, and said, “You gave me too much change.” The bus driver said, “Aren’t you the new preacher in town?” “Yes,” the preacher said. “Well I have been looking for a church to go to lately so I wanted to see what you would do, if I gave you too much change. I’ll see you next Sunday.”

Until next time,

Evelyn Beban Lewis (Publicity)

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