Sherbrooke Record

2018 Richmond Youth Fair Card Party



The Board of Directors invites you to the annual general meeting of the Eaton Corner Museum on Friday, May 11, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., 374 Route 253. For members and other interested persons. Find out what our volunteer Board has accomplish­ed in the last year, and what we plan for the future. Business meeting includes election of Board members. Refreshmen­ts served.

Coaticook area Senior Citizen’s Club

Our monthly meeting at the Elie Carrier Center was on April 17. Our president, Penny Fowler, started the meeting by mentioning the birthdays of the month. A card has been sent to Leta Dustin, and one given to the members present, Penny Fowler, Arnold Mackeage and Carole Mayne.

Thanks were given to Ketha Woodman. She brought items knitted by her mother to give to members.

Penny read a lot of jokes and stories. Shirley Desruissea­ux read a text about Jesus’s blessings. She also gave thanks for the meal.

Participat­ion prices were won by Mary Cutler and Penny Fowler. As for door prices, the winners were Monika Bouchy Picon, Janet Bolton, Lance Paxton, Shirley Desruissea­ux, Gerrit Van der Mark, Scott Kirby, Delma Fowler and Jim Bailey.

Penny gave informatio­n concerning all the daily/monthly activities going on at the Elie Carrier Center. She asked members to give us suggestion­s on what they would like to hear at our meetings.

Our next meeting will be on May 15 at 11:30. The main course will be lasagna and salad. Penny will be speaking to us about the basic facts on arthritis. As usual someone will be phoning to remind you of the meeting at the Elie Carrier Center.

Penny Fowler, President

Suzanne Martin, Secretary CASCC

Sixty-eight supporters of the Richmond Youth Fair came out Tuesday evening, May 3 to play Military Whist in the Richmond/melbourne Church hall. Seventeen tables were filled with happy, talkative people sharing news with each other. There was talk of ladybugs.

Friends were warmly welcomed and thanked by the Richmond Youth Fair Committee President Sarah Fowler and Vicepresid­ent Richard Goodfellow. After the ten rounds of cards were played, the flags were counted and Patsy Biggs called out for the results. The first place team of winners won 30 flags. They were married couples Ian and Shirley Smith and Judy and Francis Saffin. The members of the second place team with 25 flags were Valerie Fowler, Wanda Viens, Robin Converse, and Shirley Paterson. The team of Loretta Irwin, Darlene Beaudet. Bill Perry , and Sarah Fowler chose items from the prize table because they held last place with 12 flags.

There were enough prizes left so that thirty-seven other people were happy to win door prizes.

Their names are: Evelyn Fraser, Guy Gauvin, Raymond Fortier, Gerry Ouellet, Harry Morrill, Pat Jackson, Amanda Woodford, Linda Badger, Lise Boisvert, Doreen Waterhouse, Marie Cassidy, Sherley Provis, Donna Ham, Guillaume Quénechdu, Carol Boisvert, Robin Converse, Lou Joyal, Fran Dewar, Shirley Paterson, Nicole Clark, Ronald Jones, Helen Gallup, Mattie Banfill, Shirley Smith, Loretta Irwin, Thelma Day, Phyllis Patterson, Bev Jones, Wendy Ridley, Carol Nixon, Jacqueline, Peloquin, Valerie Fowler, Wanda Viens, Richard Goodfellow, Marie-bethe Skerry, Klea Mastine, and Gerald Skerry.

There were even more prizes to win. Two bags of groceries went home with Jacques Dubois. Mark Biggs donated two gift cards from MAXI and they were won by Wendy Ridley and Carol Nixon. A generous tin of cookies donated by Helen Gallup was won by Gordon Irwin.

A delicious and bountiful lunch was served by busy kitchen workers Betty Vander Wal, Noreen Brown, Audrey and Amanda Gunter. Where did all that tasty food come from? Many of the same people who had donated prizes also provided sandwiches and sweets. A special thank you to our Richmond/melbourne United Church friends who lend us their hall and kitchen for this annual fundraisin­g event. The members of the Youth Fair Committee really appreciate all the community support.

Submitted by Mary Goodfellow

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