Sherbrooke Record

Kinnear’s Mills Women’s Institute


The March meeting for the Kinnear’s Mills W.I. was held at the home of Edith Patterson.

The meeting was conducted by the President Flora Macnaul, and opened by all repeating the Salute to the Flag, Collect and Oath of Citizenshi­p.

Flora Macnaul thanked Edith for holding the meeting and welcomed the members. Motto: Let all you do be done with love. Roll Call: Your favourite recipe done with maple syrup, was answered by six members.

The minutes of the last meeting were read, declared correct and signed.

Plans were made for the Saturday noon meal to be served on May 5th, at the Community Hall.

Pauline Nutbrown will get informatio­n on Q.W.I. Flag, and Order one for each member. A Card was received from Marion Wright. Pictures were passed around taken by Flora.

Correspond­ence: A letter was received from “The Wales Home” convention Dates are May 25-26.

A note of thanks was received from ACWW.

Treasurer: Hugette Blais gave the financial report.

Report of Conveners:

Health and Community Living – Pauline Nutbrown.

Vitamin B12 deficiency possible with a vegan diet. Vitamin B12 is a bit of a workhorse. Not only does it play a key role in the proper functionin­g of the brain and the nervous system. Its crucial to the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. The body does not store B12, so you need to ingest it every day.

Educations and Personal Developmen­t – Huguette Blais and Flora Macnaul. Canada has 35 kinds of wild snakes, many persons die each year, from snake bites. Manitoba has the biggest problem. Flora had a picture of her grand-daughter Mary who had attended a baby sitting club.

Publicity and Awareness – Dorothy Bolduc. The Chateau Frontenac celebrates 125 years. The Quebec Flag is celebratin­g 70 years (2018) The Dog represents the Chinese year. Sears Canada closes after 65 years. William and Kate, the royals have a baby boy – Louis Arthur Charles 6th great grand child for the Queen and Prince Philip, born, April 23, 2018 – 5th in line for the throne.

The Birthday girls Huguette and Flora were remembered with gifts. Programme:

Tell a cute or funny story about your children or grandchild­ren. Many laughs were enjoyed.

The May meeting will be held at the home of Dorothy Bolduc on May 28 at noon.

Hearing of no further business President Flora Macnaul, adjourned the meeting.

A delicious supper was served by Edith Patterson, and enjoyed by the members, and a special time was spent.

Submitted by Audrey Allen, Secretary

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