Sherbrooke Record

The secret answer to trump promotion

- By Phillip Alder

Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, said, “I intend to leave after my death a large fund for the promotion of the peace idea, but I am skeptical as to its results.”

Do you think his fears were justified? In bridge, we have trump promotion. Good defenders always have their eyes open for this opportunit­y to gain an extra trump trick. But sometimes declarer has a countermea­sure. It is highlighte­d by this deal.

What happens in four spades after West leads the heart two, which even the kibitzer knows is a singleton?

With 7-4-1-1, South might well have overcalled four spades. But when he cautiously settled for three, North had easily enough firepower to raise to game. (Note that North did not bid three no-trump. Even with the bare spade ace and a diamond entry to the South hand, three no-trump has no chance.)

It is easy to get careless in four spades, as did the original declarer. He won with dummy’s heart ace and played the spade jack. East took that trick and led a suit-preference heart 10, which South ruffed with his spade nine. However, West overruffed and shifted to a club. Then a third heart from East promoted another trump trick for West with the 8-3 behind declarer’s K-Q.

The secret is to stop East from being able to regain the lead. At trick three, South must discard his club, a textbook loser-on-loser play. Yes, West overruffs on the next round of hearts, but South wins West’s return and draws trumps safely. He loses only two spades and one heart.

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