Sherbrooke Record

The 1st Lennoxvill­e Scouts are back in full swing


There’s no dull moment at the 1st Lennoxvill­e Scout group.

With 68 youth and 24 staff members, we are buzzing with activity and adventure.

Our four sections offer scouting experience­s to boys and girls in four age groups: Beaver (ages 5-7), Cubs (ages 8-10), Scouts (ages 11-14) and Venturers (ages 15 and up).

All our staff members are dedicated volunteers occupying a variety of roles within the group, whether directly involved with the youth or behind the scenes.

Weekly meetings take place on Wednesday nights at the Lennoxvill­e United Church. Weather permitting, all sections are encouraged to explore the outdoors - a fundamenta­l Scouting principle.

True to this spirit, we started the season with plenty of outdoor time! Our Cubs went ‘geocaching’ (treasure hunting) in the woods behind D’arcy-bennett Park, while our Beavers visited the Capelton Mines.

The Scouts and Venturers held their first camp at the Drew property on Moulton Hill. Adventures included hiking and navigating using a compass, cooking in Dutch ovens and propane stoves, campfire, sleeping in tents and hammocks, and a nighttime capture-the-flag game.

And there’s so much more coming up!

We’re planning a trip along the St. Francis River, combining kayaking and horseback riding.

Also coming up is our Investitur­e ceremony. This event marks the official entry of new members into the World Scout movement.

Our cheese fundraiser is just around the corner, too. All profits will be used for the benefit of the youth, allowing us to subsidize the groups’ activities and replace old equipment.

Donations are very welcome as well. If you wish to donate to our group, please email Stephanie Graham at stephgiggl­

Last but not least: 2018 marks the 100th anniversar­y of our group. We’ve been thriving for over a century now! What a great reason for a party! More details will follow soon.

We would like to take this opportunit­y to thank the community for its ongoing support.

Yours in Scouting,

Didi Gorman, 1st Lennoxvill­e Scouts

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