Sherbrooke Record

Our neighbour to the south


Our world is one of turmoil due in great part to our neighbour to the south. He lacks the empathy to be a leader and also the knowledge of the world that could guide his decisions. The worst part of that is he exhibits little inclinatio­n to listen to any of his advisors. He is a sorry spectacle on the world stage. He wants to take his marbles home and not share anything with those in need. To him, the USA is spelled "$$$$$$$$$" Nothing else matters, no matter what

The members of his political party follow blindly on behind him. They fail to engage their brain and question where they are headed and in what manner to get there. They never critique his methods nor his words. They can agree on a policy but that does not mean they can't push for less confrontat­ional actions.

We, in all other parts of the world, can only wait and see how his actions will affect us---with no say in his decisions. Like a baseball game, we play one inning at a time and hope after nine innings we come out on top.

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