Sherbrooke Record

Duty of Remembranc­e

Ulverton to replace honour roll plaque


with the help of many citizens, we were his year 2018 represents an impor- able to retrace all the original names of tant milestone in modern history. these brave men gone long ago but not On the 11th hour of the 11th day of forgotten. Our committee undertook the 11th month, the armistice docu- the task of replacing the original bronze ment bringing an end to the 1st Great honour roll plaque with a black marble War of 1914 – 1918 was signed, a world replica. This new commemorat­ive conflict where Canada actively participat­ed. plaque will be mounted in the original Many of our sons paid a dear stone located at the front of the Town price to preserve our freedom, having Hall. had to face a menacing adversary. The unveiling will take place on Sunday

In summer 2014, our honour roll Nov. 11, Armistice Day, at 11 a.m. at plaque was stolen from its mounting the Town Hall. You are cordially invited stone located in front of our Town Hall, to be part of this Remembranc­e Day celebratio­n. this plaque being the sole reminder of who these soldiers were. Presently a MP Alain Rayes and deputy MNA simple white wooden cross with the inscriptio­n André Bachand will attend this ceremony 1914-1918 marks the date of among other dignitarie­s this horrible conflict. On this Remembranc­e Day, we will

Following many months of research remember them.


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