Sherbrooke Record

Where there’s a plow there’s a way

- By Claudia Villemaire

Mother Nature did her best to put a damper on the 66th St. Francis plowing match, but she failed totally. Sixty-five competitor­s turned up, not only with their best equipment and strategy that would turn over level, straight and even furrows but with rain gear too, prepared to 'get it done' in spite of several downpours and almost steady gentler rain. Even the folks who traditiona­lly bring their entire family for the famous hot lunch offered each year were, for the most part, sheltered under huge tarps. To sum up, The rain, fields where muddy areas on the trails threatened observers with difficult travelling and even plowing without raingear or umbrellas didn't seem to worry either competitor­s or visitors.

""We had 65 competitor­s and that included two outstandin­g classes with ten competitor­s in each for antique tractors with either hydraulic or trailer plows," said Joyce Brock-cinnamon Sunday. "Five teams of horses came out too and seven competitor­s took part in those classes. We had six women and several youngsters in different age groups as well," Cinnamon added.

Traditiona­lly the Cinnamons look after the paperwork each year but special thanks go out to the many supporters of this match, which is known for its full slate of generous prizes for competitor­s. "We are so grateful for the community support we receive year after year," Cinnamon emphasized. "Without everyone's continued generosity we just couldn't continue." The Awards Banquet is scheduled for Oct. 11 at the St. Famille Hall on Craig St, beginning with supper at 7p.m. Names of winners is a closely guarded secret until after supper the 11th. Presentati­on of awards is followed by drawings for multiple door prizes.

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