Sherbrooke Record

Different leads, different results

- By Phillip Alder

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.”

For a bridge player, the more often he plays his honor cards, the more winning tricks he can count.

When I am teaching inexperien­ced players about signaling on defense, the first class is usually about playing spot cards -- high-low to encourage and low-high to discourage. But the next week I encourage playing honor cards whenever possible. Even the sleepiest of partners will notice an honor card appearing unexpected­ly on the table.

There are several reasons for putting up an honor card when you could have played a spot card. This three-no-trump deal features one of the rarest. What was the key honor play after West led the spade queen to South’s king?

Declarer had eight top tricks: two spades, three hearts and three diamonds. He had to establish a club trick. He was in danger only if West had five spades and a high club after both of South’s spade honors had been removed.

To try to make it hard for the opponents if the club honors were split, declarer played a heart to the king and called for a club.

Luckily for the defenders, East knew that one time to play second hand high is when a defender has one card left in partner’s long suit, and declarer still has a stopper in that suit. Here, East played his club king.

When East held the trick, he returned his second spade, establishi­ng his partner’s suit while West still had the club ace as an entry.

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