Sherbrooke Record

Emmanuel United Church in Cowansvill­e holds first indoor service since March


Since the shut-downs began as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the CAPC (Cowansvill­e Area Pastoral Charge) and the Bedford Regional Area of the United Church have worked on ways to keep the faithful together. A weekly newsletter, available as a paper copy, or digitally, has been maintained throughout this period. Zoom services were developed. A few outdoor services were tried at the end of the summer.

This past Sunday, Sept. 19, at 10:30 a.m., the doors were opened for the first time for regular worship since March. Congregant­s had to sign in and masks were worn throughout the service, which began at 11 a.m. Volunteers directed people to socially distanced spaces. There was music in the service but the congregati­on was asked not to sing. People of all ages were present. All the steps put into place were designed to lower the stress level of the situation and to make sure everyone felt safe and secure while worshippin­g. The service was kept to one hour in length.

For many months services were offered only by Zoom. One worshipper this morning was so happy for the return to “live worship”. Zoom just didn’t do it for her. For the next few weeks a hybrid option will be available. The live services will continue while being simultaneo­usly broadcast via Zoom. No one will be left out.

Everyone hopes that live services can continue and that the Townships can stay in the yellow zone, if not return to green.

Rev. David Lefneski is proud of the resilience of the members of the various committees involved in keeping people connected and in getting the church ready for reopening.

If anyone wants a weekly newsletter, the office can be reached by email. The address is capcchurch­ (Remember to put in an extra c between cap and church.) In the newsletter the weekly co-ordinates for the Zoom service are given and local news items are also included.


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