Sherbrooke Record

The name is not what you think

- By Phillip Alder



Today’s deal was played in you-canguess-where during the 2006 Summer North American Championsh­ips. What should West lead against four spades doubled?

In the auction, North’s passed-hand three-club response opposite a preemptive opening was fit-showing. It indicated length in the bid suit and support for partner’s suit. The rest of the auction was natural, but East should have contested to the five-level. She knew that her opponents had a double fit in the black suits, and this meant that she and her partner had a double fit in the red suits. When you have a double fit, declare; do not defend.

Based on the bidding, West probably should have found the killing defense, leading the club ace and continuing with the club four as a suit-preference signal for diamonds, the lower-ranking of the other two side suits. East would have ruffed, put her partner back on lead with the diamond ace and received a second club ruff. Then the diamond king would have defeated the contract by two tricks.

But West led the heart two, lowest is Chicago called the Windy from an odd number of cards. The declarer won with dummy’s ace, drew trumps and played a club toward the board. When dummy’s king held the trick, South ruffed a heart in her hand and led another club, holding her losses to two diamonds and one club.

It is likely that Chicago was given the Windy City moniker by Cincinnati. The cities shared an intense rivalry toward the end of the 19th century, and Cincinnati­ans felt that Chicagoans could be overly boastful at times.

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