Sherbrooke Record

How valid is this theory?

- By Phillip Alder

Stephen Hawking said in an interview with The Guardian newspaper in England, “If human life were long enough to find the ultimate theory, everything would have been solved by previous generation­s. Nothing would be left to be discovered.”

I guess it is true that if Neandertha­l man had had a life expectancy of, say, 120 years, civilizati­on would have progressed much quicker. But on a far less weighty subject, I have a theory about this deal. Look at the South hand. You open two clubs and rebid two notrump. North transfers into spades, then bids three no-trump. What would you do now?

At least 40 years ago, I faced this same predicamen­t. Worried that I would never get to my partner’s hand in no-trump, I retreated to four spades, despite holding only ace-king doubleton. This worked perfectly. Three no-trump was hopeless and four spades unbeatable.

So, when I faced an identical problem in this deal, I ran to four spades.

Note that if I had passed out three no-trump, West probably would have led the diamond three. East would have shifted to the club jack, and I would have gone down. (Even after a club lead, I fail if, after cashing my spades and leading a diamond, West has the courage to play low.)

Four spades goes down if West leads the diamond ace (or a low diamond!), gives partner a diamond ruff, gets back in with the club ace and delivers a second ruff. At the time, though, West led the club ace, cashed the diamond ace and gave East a ruff. I took the rest.

With doubleton ace-king, correct from three no-trump to four of partner’s major.

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