South Shore Breaker

Looking back on what was learned


I have talked about a lot of different types of fish over the past few weeks, so I would just like to review so that you have a good idea about how to catch the different species. Let’s start with smallmouth bass. The water has warmed up so it means that the food chain is in place. The aquatic plants are now fully grown. Insects and minnows hang out around these small plants, therefore, small fish will cruise these areas to eat the little fish, and bigger fish cruise these areas to eat the small fish. So if you find vegetation, then you should find lots of bass to catch.

The shoreline is another good place to look for bass. All kinds of critters come to the water’s edge and many of them fall in. Bass know this and are constantly patrolling the shoreline to find a good meal. With the water being warm, I like to use a technique called “wet wading.” To do this, you need to get an old pair of sneakers or water shoes and then put your bathing suit on and jump in. I like to stay knee deep in the water and I fish ahead of myself, casting to the water’s edge up to and including parallel to the shore.

I will usually throw a few casts and then take a couple of steps and cast again. This is a great way to spend a few hours relaxing in the great outdoors. There are a lot of lakes that hold bass that have appropriat­e shorelines where you can wet wade. Mushamush Lake, Fancy Lake and Ponhook Lake are just a few lakes with good shorelines. In the spring, I use the same technique for fly fishing for trout, only then I wear waders until the water warms up.

Chain pickerel use the same strategy in and around vegetation, except they will hide and wait for a fish to come into the area. Do not forget to use a steel leader when fishing for pickerel to prevent their teeth from cutting your line.

If you have a boat, this technique works very well, but you can also access vegetation and structures that are in deeper water. When I am in my boat, I always make a few casts right to the shore and usually catch fish there.

I highlighte­d mackerel fishing a few weeks ago and my friends are telling me that they are getting some really nice ones lately. Large mackerel are scarce around here, but the last few weeks there has been an abundance of 12- to 15-inch mackerel along our coast. The best places to catch mackerel are on most public wharves, off the rocks or fishing from a boat. Don’t forget to bring a bucket, a rope and a rag. As the locals say: “The mackerel are in.”

Striped bass are still running and a trip to the Bay of Fundy will get you into some nice stripers. It is best to use live bait and remember to fish the bait off the bottom.

Finally, I would like to mention that there are a few rivers in Nova Scotia where you are still allowed to fish for Atlantic salmon. Some of the most productive rivers include the Margaree, River Philip and the West River in Antigonish. A couple of the rivers are open now and some will open in September and October. You can only fish for salmon in the fall by fly so I will talk next week about what gear and set up you will need to give fall salmon fishing a try.

Remember that the South Shore Bassmaster­s’ next tournament is on Molega Lake on Aug. 12.

Carroll Randall owns and operates dacarafish­in out of Lunenburg County and is a Nova Scotia Licensed Fishing Guide. He offers guided fishing adventures and fishing schools. To book a trip or to find out more, call 902-212-1508 or email

 ?? Carroll Randall ?? The shoreline is a great place to look for bass.
Carroll Randall The shoreline is a great place to look for bass.

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