The Southwest Booster

Livestock, antimicrob­ial use and you


When livestock get sick or injured, the people taking care of the animals should take steps to help the sick animals get well. This often includes treating the animal with antibiotic­s. Many of the antibiotic­s used to treat livestock illnesses and infections are very similar or closely related to the antibiotic­s used in human medicine. All antibiotic usage contribute­s to the developmen­t of antimicrob­ial resistance. In order to maintain the effectiven­ess of existing medically important antimicrob­ials for as long as possible, Health Canada’s Veterinary Drugs Directorat­e considers having appropriat­e veterinary oversight to be a key measure towards promoting the prudent use of antimicrob­ials and minimizing the developmen­t and spread of antimicrob­ial resistance.

Health Canada has categorize­d antimicrob­ial drugs based on their importance in human medicine. Category 1 drugs are of very high importance and include products such as Excenel®, and Baytril®. Category 2 drugs are of high importance and include products such as Neo-chlor, Super Scour Calf Boluses, Zuprevo™, Micotil®, Draxxin®, Tylan®, Penpro and Trivetrin®. Category 3 are drugs of medium importance and includes the products Nuflor®, Resflor®, Calfspan tablets, sulfametha­zine boluses, and tetracycli­nes. Category 4 contains antimicrob­ials which are not used in human medicine and are considered of low importance. This category includes the ionophores Bovatec® and Rumensin®.

Since 2014 Health Canada has been working on developing policy and regulation­s to improve veterinary oversight of medically important antimicrob­ials (Categories 1, 2 and 3) used for animals. The main change is related to adding all remaining medically important antimicrob­ials for veterinary use to the prescripti­on drug list. In effect, producers will require a prescripti­on from a

Oveterinar­ian that has a valid client/patient relationsh­ip in order to purchase antibiotic­s instead of being able to purchase them over the counter. The changes are anticipate­d to come into effect in early 2018.

Further details on the proposed changes to how antibiotic­s for veterinary use will be obtained can be found at Health Canada’s Veterinary Drugs Directorat­e website. Contact your local veterinari­an or Saskatchew­an Ministry of Agricultur­e Regional Office for assistance in understand­ing what these proposed changes will mean for your operation.

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