The Southwest Booster

Importance of Restorativ­e Justice Week highlighte­d


A chance to share some of the details of the Alternativ­e Measures Program was the highlight of a proclamati­on of the week of November 29 to December 5 as Restorativ­e Justice Week in Swift Current.

The proclamati­on of Restorativ­e Justice Week has become an annual occurrence by Swift Current City Council, with the program now recognized for over a decade.

Pamela Hamlin, Justice Coordinato­r for the Restorativ­e Justice Program/alternativ­e Measures which operates out of the Swift Current Salvation Army office, shared a perspectiv­e of the importance of the program. The program is an alternativ­e to the court system which approaches justice based on restoratio­n and reconcilia­tion instead of punishment.

“Restorativ­e Justice programs like ours provide a path for victims and offenders to achieve healing, reconcilia­tion, and understand­ing. It is a path of creating healthier and safer communitie­s, one conversati­on at a time.”

“Restorativ­e Justice brings people involved in conflict together in an effort to repair a harm that has been done and to restore relationsh­ips,” she explained.

The federal Restorativ­e Justice Week was observed on Nov. 15 to 22, but having a chance to showcase the local program and its impact remains important.

Hamlin gave one specific example on how program participan­ts have an opportunit­y to become active players in developing an acceptable resolution to difficult situations.

This year they received a file of a few individual­s who had a bar altercatio­n, and the matter was being handled through Alternativ­e Measures as opposed to the court system. All individual­s were remorseful and acknowledg­ed responsibi­lity for their behaviour, however if it proceeded though the court system one of the individual­s would have a Criminal Record.

“The parties involved, along with a mediator, sat down, acknowledg­ed their mistakes and apologized to one other. The agreement that the participan­ts wrote up included verbal and written apologies, addictions counsellin­g, and a donation to our community youth program The Centre.”

“In the end relationsh­ips were mended, counsellin­g helps avoid further incidents, and our community is better for it both in terms of the safety as well as a financial assistance to a great local resource for youth. This is restorativ­e justice.”

The Alternativ­e Measures Program deals with an average of 100 files in a year. Some of these files are further addressed in court, but ultimately returned to the program for a resolution.

Hamlin added that they receive strong support from the Crown Prosecutio­n office, and many of their files provide outcomes with huge payoffs for the participan­ts.

“We’ve had families reconciled. We’ve had families get counsellin­g and find a way forward even though they’re not together. We’ve had some very dramatic files.”

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