Style at Home - Organizing Ideas

Keep the cook’s quarters neat



Put everything back in its proper place


Create a meal plan for the week

Go through your cupboards and fridge, and make a list of what you need at the grocery store; toss expired or spoiled items

Put away anything that doesn’t belong in the kitchen


Tidy up your pots and pans; if you don’t have a storage organizer, put paper towels between each piece to prevent scratching


Make an inventory of your freezer to help with your meal plans for the coming weeks

Take note of what you need from the bulk food store

Declutter your junk drawer; arrange odds and ends in small trays


Organize your to-go containers, weeding out the broken ones and those with missing lids

Go through your kitchen linens and dishware; toss anything that’s stained, ripped, chipped or cracked, and donate what you don’t use

Sort through your spices and dried goods and throw out any that have gone stale or rancid

Donate any unused cookbooks or trade them with family and friends; catalogue your recipe cards and clippings in a binder

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