
Perform a hightech vitamin check at home

Track your health with the world’s first device for checking mineral and vitamin levels, and receive personalis­ed feedback on how to get more of what you need


Think vitamin checks are the domain of fitness freaks? Well, think again – longterm vitamin and mineral deficiency could actually lead to a host of health problems, such as fatigue, yellowing skin and depression. You might not be desperate to spend your spare time finding out how low your chromium levels are, but doing so could give you the insight needed to help nail that ongoing illness.

The Vitastiq utilises EAV methodolog­y (based on Chinese acupunctur­e) to measure the status of the 30 most important vitamins and minerals in your body, determinin­g whether your levels are low, too high or bang on.

To use the non-invasive Vitastiq, clean and moisturise your skin and connect the device to your phone, enabling the Vitastiq to calibrate. On-screen instructio­ns in the app guide you through where to direct the device and for how long. Once you’re done, you’ll get a reading on your levels, plus feedback on what you need more or less of in your diet.

Start your adventure today

To perform your own check, you’ll need to buy the Vitastiq ($109/£76, vitastiq. com), which comes with a carry case.

Download the app (Android, iOS), connect the Vitastiq to your phone’s audio port and create a user profile.

Use the Vitastiq app to discover which parts of your body are the best areas for testing vitamin/mineral levels.

The Vitastiq measures the levels of 30 essential vitamins and minerals in your body

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