
Clean your room

- Playing with grounds is a messy business, so how do these machines deal with the muck?

One of the neat things about a pricier coffee machine is that you often get more auto features. The De’Longhi and Gaggia machines don’t just automatica­lly clean their pipes out after each use and turn themselves off after a while if you don’t hit the power button, they also tell you when they need cleaning out. That means emptying the drip tray and coffee ‘puck’ bin. Just pull the bottom part of each machine and you can clear out the tray in seconds.

There’s less to clean out in the Smarter Coffee Machine, but you do need to clean its filter with every use. The machine doesn’t rinse itself, and has a tendency to get clogged up with grounds. If the carafe sensor gets blocked, it’ll refuse to work.

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