
Is UHD Bluray worth it?

- Robert Harringt on, Ayr

While GaGu would never affix his eyepatch and parrot for an illicit voyage through the internet’s content high seas, he will forever malign the bloody faff that’s required to actually reach the good bit of optical discs. So that’s a no.

Ranting aside, direct comparison­s of the few UHD movies currently available and their straight Blu-ray versions make a few things absolutely clear. The resolution jump isn’t super-noticeable unless you have eyes like an owl with binoculars. The colours, though? Guru wasn’t previously aware we’ve been getting bastardise­d TV-friendly visual remixes of films for the past 30 years, but he’s certainly aware now. UHD means movies as the director intended: so dark they’re invisible if you have even the slightest glare on your screen.

“The resolution jump to UHD isn’t super-noticeable unless you have eyes like an owl with binoculars”

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