
Create a harmony activity


Make your remote control lots of things at once

Access activities

In the Harmony mobile app, select the menu option in the top corner. From here select Harmony Setup > Add/Edit Devices & Activities and finally tap on Activities. By default there aren’t any activities saved in this area, so now you can add some.

Add activitiy

The Harmony app will suggest activities based on the kind of devices you’ve already added. If you’ve added a TV, you can select the Watch TV activity in the list. Alternativ­ely, tap the Add your own activity option and you can create a new one suitable for you.

choose dev ices

After you select an Activity, choose the devices to associate with it. Then, for each device, choose the input to use when they switch on. Once finished you can use an Activity by tapping it on the remote screen (under the Activities tab).

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