
if you’re looking for the very best tech available today, you have definitely come to the right place.


T3 Elite is the best gadget-buying guide you will ever encounter. To create it, we’ve ruthlessly filtered all the categories that count, to bring you rock-solid recommenda­tions.

We’ve selected a Super Six of elite gear for each of the categories listed below. If something’s not included, we don’t rate it – it’s that simple. Each Super Six is ranked in order, and the number-one product makes it into The Elite (p104), which is our pick of the 12 best products you can buy today.

To make your next purchase as straightfo­rward as possible, we’ve also included useful buying advice, and highlighte­d the hottest gear you can get for £100 and under (p112).

 ?? edited by Matt bolton ??
edited by Matt bolton

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