


From £949 (body only), fujifilm.com

Stabilisat­ion is the order of the day here. Fujifilm has trimmed down its in-body image stabilisat­ion tech to make it 30% smaller and a whole lot lighter while still covering up to 6.0 stops. It’s also brought a mechanical shock absorber – designed to squash shutter vibrations – down to X-series cameras from its higher-end models. There’s some muscular digital stabilisat­ion too, with a boost mode for handheld use. Aside from that, the X-S10 is a very capable video shooter, pulling 30fps 4K footage from 6K of sensor data. There’s a fully updated automatic mode to do the hard work of setting up a scene for you, tracking AF which can pull focus on your subject in as little as 0.02 seconds (though that’ll depend on light in the scene) and a flip-over LCD for those who’d rather point the camera at themselves.


A great camera for beginners.


£ 199, kokoon.io

The principle of sleep buds is a very good one: soothing sounds, piped into your ears to help you drift off into a calm sleep without waking your partner. But most sleep buds seem to forget that they’re actually going to be in your ears while you put your head on the pillow. If you’re a side sleeper, bulkier buds won’t work. You’ll need something like the Kokoon Nightbuds; they’re 5.4mm thick, so far less intrusive than many alternativ­es. You can also use them to listen to regular audio, great if you’d like to sail away with an audiobook – and if you’re worried about missing chapters overnight, they’ll detect when you’ve dropped off and automatica­lly pause your media. There’s sleep analysis in there too, with optical heart rate sensors built into the ear pieces to pick up if you’ve had a restless night.


These will help you get 40 winks.


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