The Chronicle Herald (Provincial)



Normally, I agree with your editorials, but not with your June 27 one. If you think of China (population 1.47-billion) and of Canada (population 37 million), it is easy to view China as the bully.

But I have to agree with the dissenters on the Meng Wanzhou file — all of whom are very smart and experience­d people and know the global scene. Canada is caught in the middle of a scenario that has nothing to do with it and has everything to do with the Trump administra­tion and China. It is a conflict between Apple and Huawei, with no direct link to Canada. We do not have anything to do with the Iranian sanctions situation, which the White House used as a pretext for having us arrest Meng, the vice president and daughter of the owner of Huawei. Just think what the U.S. would have done if the Chinese had arrested Priscilla Chan Zuckerberg, the wife of the owner of Facebook.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that Canadians in China would not feel safe if we released Meng. He could not be more mistaken. If she is released, I would feel a lot safer in China, not less. Unfortunat­ely, the two Michaels are caught up in this drama and will not be released until Trudeau and the Candian government stop trying to appease Washington. Maybe they have to wait until the November election when the government has changed and Canada will no longer be beholden to Trump.

Just wondering what the Chinese expats from Hong Kong living in Canada have to do with our decision-making process. A very sad situation for Canadian diplomacy, which leaves two Canadians in a Chinese jail with no help. Graham Wright, Annapolis Royal

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