The Colchester Wire

Yes, you can clean up that garage mess

- LISA MACDONALD-FAULKNER lisa@allorganiz­ @lisallorga­nized

The weather is getting warmer and we’re slowly moving outdoors. Hockey gear, ice skates and skis can be put away for the season.

Are you asking yourself, “where am I going to store all this stuff in our crammed garage?” You are not alone. Forty-seven per cent of homeowners are unable to store their vehicle in their garage.

My organizing clients are often mortified when we open their garage doors; they are embarrasse­d that they have let the garage get unmanageab­ly crammed and are terrified the neighbours will see the mess and pass judgment.

The garage becomes a dumping ground for deferred decisions and accumulate­d garbage. A couple of empty boxes are tossed into the garage after Christmas, then the garbage gets a little behind and the broken lawnmower finds its way here.

Some toys the kids have outgrown and a bunch of gardening supplies that really should be stored in the shed get tossed in the garage.

Suddenly, there is no room for the car and the garage is the most disorganiz­ed area of the house.

Removing the junk and clutter from the garage and creating workable organizing systems is the only way to reclaim that useful space. The good news is organizing the garage is not difficult.

Get a grip on garbage and recycling:

We need quite a bit of space to be able to sort items properly for recycling. The sorting process (even when you have a functional system set up) takes time we often don’t have — so we procrastin­ate. Make a resolution to deal with waste promptly and it might help to divvy up responsibi­lities among family members — one person is the green bin guru, one person’s job is to break down and bundle corrugated cardboard, a smaller sibling might handle paper recycling, the enterprisi­ng teen might like to be in charge of returnable­s and collecting deposits. Want to take it to the next level? Deal with those solvents. Almost 100 per cent of homes I organize aren’t returning solvents. Grab a coffee on a Saturday morning and properly dispose of those paint cans and chemicals with a field trip to the depot.

Purposeful purge:

there are items in your garage you no longer need or want. Start by getting rid of things that no longer serve you. Too small sporting equipment, well intentione­d purchases gathering dust, cast-offs from family or estate items you have not dealt with, etc. Whether it’s curbside giveaway, selling items online or creating boxes slated for donation, now is the time to get rid of the items that are holding you down.

Use your vertical space: look up. Especially in a garage. Get everything off the floor by using your wall and ceiling space to maximum efficiency. Most people are using only 10 per cent of their garage and yet it feels cluttered and disorganiz­ed because every single thing is piled on the floor.

Create zones and systems:

Fabulous products exist to take your garage from unmanageab­le to perfectly functional. Plastic totes can be stacked for efficiency and clearly labelled with different coloured duct tape. A peg board can store an incredible amount of tools/gadgets in a small vertical space. Local hardware stores have a great selection of modular wallhung systems that can accommodat­e ladders, handled tools, bikes, and more.

You won’t regret taking a day to clear the clutter in your garage. Make space for your car and create adequate room to safely move around it. You might even leave the garage door open and invite the neighbours to have a look.

Lisa Macdonald-Faulkner has been a profession­al organizer in HRM for almost a decade. She is passionate about helping people clear the clutter and get aboard the organized train. Connect with her about premove purges, estate organizing and your dusty boxes.

 ?? 123RF ?? Cleaning out the garage may feel like a daunting task, but there are ways to make it manageable while getting great results.
123RF Cleaning out the garage may feel like a daunting task, but there are ways to make it manageable while getting great results.
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