The Cumberland Wire

Editor’s Note

- This article has been edited for length. For the full Q&A, visit

To help voters in the upcoming municipal elections make an informed decision, we are providing candidates with space in our publicatio­n to help share their message. All candidates will have the opportunit­y if they wish and profiles will be published on a first-come, first-serve basis. See more municipal election coverage at

David March is running for council in District 1 in Cumberland County.

Q. What’s your full name?

David March

Q. Where are you from?

I live on the Blair Lake Road in Upper Nappan

Q. What did you do before deciding to run?

I have worked in radio for over 40 years, and am still at CKDH. I served almost 16 years on Amherst town council. I also have been a volunteer with many organizati­ons,

Q. Why have you chosen to run?

Somebody has to do it. Someone has to speak for their neighbours. District 1 is a big neighbourh­ood, in a big county. Almost everyone contribute­s to their community in some way. Serving on town council was my way. Volunteeri­ng was another. Cumberland County is a great place to live. If you want to make it the best place to live, I‘d like to help.

Q. What strengths would you bring to council if you are elected?

I get involved in the community. I served on Amherst town council for over 15 years. My involvemen­t on many

committees gave me valuable insights about how local government works and brought positive changes to the community. Having that connection with the town will be an asset when issues of mutual concern come up. I recently resigned as president of the United Way of Cumberland County. I joined Relay For Life its second year in Amherst, and resigned two years ago as chairman. I was chairman of the Blueberry Harvest Festival for two years. I was also on the board of Cumberland County Transporta­tion Services and the Seniors Safety Program, and many more. And, unfortunat­ely, because of COVID-19, this was the first time in 20 years that I didn’t go door to door for the Kidney Foundation. Now I want to direct my time and energy to bring positive changes to Cumberland County.

Q. What one message do you hope gets out to the voters during this election campaign?

Nobody cares about the future of Cumberland County

more than we do. The changes we make should be for our benefit. I want to talk to you, and I want you to talk to me. I will take your concerns to council or someone who can help. I will review council documents, do my research, listen to the science, get your input, and make a decision that benefits us all. I will write monthly updates on council business on social media. I will let you know when important meetings and events are coming up. I will work hard, I always do. 2020 has been a most challengin­g year with COVID-19. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? I am confident that together we can overcome anything thrown our way.

Q. How can people contact you?

Phone: 902-694-2411

Email: david.march0822@, website:, Facebook: Elect Dave March in District 1.

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David March

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