The Daily Courier

Trump’s a leader who gets things done


Editor: Thanks to The Daily Courier for publishing the story in the July 15 Okanagan Weekend. The headline, on the travel page, was Afghan robotics team allowed into U.S. after Trump intervenes.

The six members of the all-girl team (apparently of Muslim faith) had their hearts set on competing in the United States.

Travel guidelines had blocked their trip. U.S. President Donald Trump heard of this and took immediate action, resulting in the women being able to travel this coming week. What does this say about my president?

He does not have any issues with the Muslim faith. He respects women He encourages women to excel in what have been male-dominated fields.

He will break down barriers when needed on humanitari­an grounds.

All the while, my president is delivering, to the best of his ability, on his election promises. I fully support his actions. Yet, the mainstream American media continues to focus on a Russian conspiracy, and some off-hand locker room remarks the president made years ago.

I wonder how much play this story about the all-woman robotics team had in the United States, considerin­g that the mass media has a demonstrat­ed bias to my president? There is a saying in the news industry “if it bleeds, it leads.”

The mainstream media in the United States is more interested in this type of sensationa­lism, rather than focusing on the facts.

I will not engage in a “battle of letters” with other Courier readers. However, I will remark that, as an America citizen, I have no standing to criticize Canadian politics.

You have enough to deal with, in terms of broken election promises by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and the scandals of the Senate, which seem to just be going away and returning to “business as usual.”

It’s not my country. You need to fix it. Please note that the United States is not your country. Focus your complaints and efforts where they may do some good, at home. My president is concentrat­ing on doing what is best for the United States.

He is working hard on making America great again. I expect no less. Bob Sherman, Kelowna

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