The Daily Courier

West Kelowna


COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 25 Gellatly Bay Growth Management Designatio­n

Council rescinded second reading and gave second reading as amended to the Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw to create OCP policy support for the future vision of Gellatly Bay as identified in the 2017 Gellatly Village Study, presented to council Jan. 24, 2017. The proposed bylaw would create a new growth management designatio­n for five properties. Amending the OCP to include a Gellatly Village Growth Management Designatio­n will assist in supporting the envisioned future form of developmen­t in Gellatly Bay while allowing for flexibilit­y in developmen­t applicatio­ns to respond to community comments and feedback as well as the specific market conditions at the time of (re)developmen­t. At its July 11 meeting, council raised concerns with the proposed bylaw regarding:

• Multi-residentia­l component. lt was suggested that the bylaw clarify that the multi-residentia­l component should be ‘smallscale’ in nature, similar to the language of the commercial component.

• Commercial component. lt was questioned whether or not the commercial component would be required on all three developmen­t sites. lt was also suggested that the language surroundin­g the typical acceptable commercial uses be re-worded for clarity.

• Potential for vacation rentals. lt was suggested that the bylaw further clarify that vacation rentals will not be permitted as part of a future developmen­t at Gellatly Village.

• Lower densities and building heights. lt was suggested that the bylaw further clarify the preference for lower density buildings (i.e. not high-rise) as part of a future developmen­t at Gellatly Village.

ln recognitio­n of these concerns, general wording changes to the bylaw were prepared for council's considerat­ion. The proposed bylaw amendment will now be scheduled for an upcoming public hearing.

Westbank Centre Rezoning

Council gave third reading to a Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 2563 to 2573 Hebert Road in Westbank Centre to rezone three properties from single detached residentia­l (R1) to Westbank Centre compact residentia­l (RC1). The rezoning is intended to facilitate the developmen­t of three duplexes, six dwelling units, though other developmen­t options exist as permitted in the RC1 zone.

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