The Daily Courier

Regional District


BOARD MEETING, JULY 24 Regional strategy priority projects

The Regional Board has endorsed the Regional Growth Strategy Priority Projects Plan. The plan creates a list of regional projects that will assist in implementi­ng the Regional Growth Strategy over the next five years. Identified projects in the plan will be approved each year after considerat­ion by the Regional Board during its budget discussion­s. The plan was reviewed and amended after comments were provided by local government Council’s.

Music festival not supported

The Regional Board does not support two separate applicatio­ns made by the proponents of the Volim Valley Music Festival. The Board is concerned there are too many unresolved issues involving a variety of different agencies to support the Sept. 9- 10 festival at this time. The festival organizers applied to the Regional District for a temporary use permit for the proposed festival site at Heartland Ranch on Highway 33 East and to the Agricultur­al Land Commission for approval of a non-farm use at the location.

Kalamoir Park property acquisitio­n

The Regional District Board has authorized staff to begin the process of acquiring untitled Crown land to add to Kalamoir Regional Park. Negotiatio­ns with the Province will involve 2.2 kilometres of closed road right-of-ways including the former McMillan Boulevard and a portion of Collens Hill Road.

No Regional Park right-of-way

The Regional District Board does not support a request to provide a statutory rightof-way through Kalamoir Regional Park. The applicant wanted to construct and maintain storm water drainage works through the park as part of a rezoning applicatio­n to the City of West Kelowna.

Westside Road property rezoning

The Regional Board has agreed to a one year extension for a rezoning applicatio­n from Tolko Industries Limited on an 8.7hectare property along Westside Road in the Central Okanagan West Electoral Area. The company is seeking a zoning in keeping with the future land use designatio­n in the Rural Westside Official Community Plan and allowing a rural residentia­l use consistent with the surroundin­g area. In July 2016, the Zoning Amendment Bylaw received second and third readings. The applicant continues to work on resolving outstandin­g conditions of the applicatio­n.

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