The Daily Courier

Fun and healthy playground tips to get the whole family moving


Little kids don’t have to be told to “get more exercise.” They’re always in motion — constantly leaping, jumping, running and rolling.

Kids know something that we adults sometimes forget: the importance of moving.

“So why not take a page from your kids’ or grandkids’ playbook and have fun with them while you get more active?” asked Kelly K. James, a certified personal trainer, author and fitness expert for Take Off Pounds Sensibly, a nonprofit weight-loss support organizati­on. “You’ll not only be getting fitter—you’ll be acting as an awesome role model for the younger people in your life as well.”

Start with one set of these exercises and work up to three of them. You can do this playground workout by yourself or alongside the kids.

Park Bench Pushup

1. Stand about two feet behind a park bench and place your hands about six inches away, in a pushup position, on the back of the bench.

2. Engage your abdominal muscles (abs)—imagine drawing your belly button toward your spine— and keeping your body in a straight line, lower your chest toward the bench until your elbows make 90-degree angles. 3. Press back up to starting position. That’s 1 rep. Try doing 8–12 reps.

Playground Bar Pull

1. Stand under a sturdy bar and grab onto the bar with an overhand grip.

2. Holding tightly onto the bar, and keeping your feet in place, slowly angle your body back, making sure to keep your back straight.

3. Keeping your abs tight, engage your shoulder, back and arm muscles to pull your chest back toward the bar.

Try doing 8–12 reps.

Swing Set Calf Raise

1. Stand outside of the swingset and place one hand on the outside of the structure, keeping the other hand free for balance.

2. Draw your belly button back toward your spine and lift your heels off of the ground so that you’re up on your tiptoes. Then pause briefly. 3. Slowly lower your heels back down to the ground. Try doing 8–12 reps.

About TOPS: TOPS is a weight-loss support and wellness education organizati­on that was founded in 1948. TOPS promotes weight management with a philosophy that combines support from others at meetings, healthy eating, regular exercise and wellness informatio­n.

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