The Daily Courier

Thicket filled with thorns awaits PM in U.S. capital

- By The Canadian Press

Trudeau visits Washington as locals sound alarm bells about president

WASHINGTON — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has arrived in Washington at a jittery moment in the U.S. capital, to the sound of metaphoric­al alarm bells being rung by American powerbroke­rs about the possibilit­y of President Donald Trump triggering different internatio­nal crises.

The warnings are coming from corners that would normally be tight allies of a Republican administra­tion — yet they are now expressing concern that erratic presidenti­al behaviour might cause chaos on trade and national security.

The biggest U.S. business group has launched a lobby effort to save the North American Free Trade Agreement, worrying that the president might be sabotaging the renegotiat­ion.

Trump did nothing to dissuade that impression. He told Forbes magazine in a just-released interview he hopes to invoke NAFTA’s exit clause to negotiate a better deal later: “I happen to think that NAFTA will have to be terminated if we’re going to make it good. Otherwise, I believe you can’t negotiate a good deal.”

But this town is especially fixated on another, more eye-popping criticism of Trump.

The Republican who leads the Senate’s foreign affairs committee, Bob Corker, has declared the president needs adult supervisio­n, is in constant danger of unleashing chaos and could wind up causing “World War III.”

This is the thorn-filled thicket awaiting Trudeau.

Amid disputes over tariffs on lumber and Bombardier planes, and the NAFTA talks, Trudeau plans to discuss several trade concerns with the president at the White House today and will also be meeting a more pro-NAFTA contingent of powerful U.S. lawmakers.

Canada’s foreign affairs minister admits her concern.

Chrystia Freeland was asked to comment on the spat with Corker as she participat­ed Tuesday in a women-in-business summit organized by Fortune magazine and although she declined to discuss personalit­ies, she did share some worries.

Freeland said she’s worried because old, successful institutio­ns are starting to break down. She credited post-Second World War trade organizati­ons, as well as the United Nations, the World Bank and the IMF with safeguardi­ng more than 70 years of prosperity.

“There are a lot of things that are concerning in the world right now,” Freeland said when asked about Corker’s comments. “I think this is probably the most uncertain moment in internatio­nal relations since the end of the Second World War.

“(The postwar order) has really worked. With time, it has embraced more and more people into a peaceful, prosperous world. It’s been great. And that order is starting to fracture. As a result, we’re seeing tensions in lots of different places.”

She mentioned North Korea as one example.

The most notable thing about Corker’s comments, perhaps, is that they were made in public. In doing so, he yanked back the curtain on a conversati­on that has been rampant in Washington for months.

In private and in off-the-record chats, numerous Republican­s criticize the president and fret about instabilit­y. Then there’s the trade front. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, whose political donations in the last election cycle went 96 per cent to Republican­s and four per cent to Democrats, according to the transparen­cy site OpenSecret­, is expressing worries about NAFTA as the latest round of talks is set to start today.

On Tuesday, chamber president Tom Donohue fretted that the negotiatio­ns have been designed to fail.

He singled out his own country’s proposals — on auto parts, on dispute resolution, on Buy American procuremen­t rules and on a sunset clause that could result in NAFTA’s terminatio­n after five years.

“There are several poison pill proposals still on the table that could doom the entire deal . . . . All of these proposals are unnecessar­y and unacceptab­le,” Donohue said, according to a prepared text.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached a critical moment. And the chamber has had no choice but ring the alarm bells.”

He said the business lobby will ramp up its efforts on Capitol Hill. It will also send the White House a letter signed by more than 300 state and local chambers expressing support for NAFTA.

 ?? The Canadian Press ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire Trudeau depart Ottawa on Tuesday en route to Washington, D.C.
The Canadian Press Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire Trudeau depart Ottawa on Tuesday en route to Washington, D.C.

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