The Daily Courier

Blockage in intestinal blood vessel causes pain when eating


DEAR DR. ROACH: My wife, 65, has been suffering from abdominal pain for over a year. The pain comes within minutes of eating a meal. She was diagnosed with abdominal angina, and had a stent placed to open the vessel that showed blockage. We were told that she’d get immediate relief if successful, but she did not get relief.

We contacted the surgeon for a follow-up appointmen­t, which we weren’t given. Instead, she was told to give it time and to be seen in six months, when he’d be “happy to do it again” if there was still a problem. Needless to say, we won’t be using his services again.

We’re not sure where to turn next. Can you shine some light on this malady?

ANSWER: Chronic mesenteric ischemia is caused by one or more blockages in the blood vessels to the intestines. (The word “mesentery” means “middle of the intestine,” and “ischemia” means “holding back of blood”).

In angina pectoris (angina of the chest), pain occurs when demand for blood is greater than the supply, which is limited by the blockage.

When demand is high, as in exercise, people develop chest discomfort. In the cause of mesenteric ischemia, demand for blood goes up with eating, and although not everyone will have symptoms, pain with eating is typical. The condition is most commonly diagnosed now by CT or MRI scan, with angiograph­y less commonly used.

There are a great many blood vessels to the intestine, and often in mesenteric ischemia there is more than one blockage. That may be why the stent did not work. It certainly would be a question you would need to ask the vascular surgeon.

The other concern I have is that I have seen people with blockages in the arteries to their hearts develop abdominal pain after eating. The risk factors are similar to develop blockages in arteries to the intestines as they are to the heart, so I would want to be sure your wife’s heart arteries were evaluated, perhaps with a stress test, angiogram or CT angiogram.

Finally, I can’t understand the surgeon’s refusal to see your wife again.

DEAR DR. ROACH: Recently, my brand of artificial tears was substitute­d for with a different brand. My eyes get tired — maybe from reading, maybe because I am an 83-yearold female. Are these generic eyedrops useful to my eyes? Or are they water with lubricants?

ANSWER: Many people, especially as they get older, get dry eyes, which can cause a tired feeling in the eyes. There are many brands and their ingredient­s vary slightly, so you may find that one brand works better than another. Although they are (salt) water with lubricants, they help many people, and are a good first line for people with dry eyes. If they don’t help, your eye profession­al has other available options.

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